Saturday, July 1, 2017

DARC to Vinland - 2010 view

DARC will be returning to Vinland!

Ragnarr Ragnarson will once again be gathering his band of friends and heading of into the West. (You think by now we would have learned not to trust his navigation skills!)

Members of DARC will be expanding the regular Encampment program at L'Anse aux Meadows NHSC from July 15 through 23, 2017. The highlight will be July 16 - with a full re-creation of the first iron smelt in North America (originally undertaken by Leif Eirikson's crew some time about 1000 AD).

To give you a hint at what you might see in this special presentation for Parks Canada and Canada 150 - here are some images from past voyages:


All images by Paul Halasz - © 2010

1 comment:

  1. If the images here appear a bit repetative - part of the purpose was to provide Parks Canada with some reference on what our past presentations at LAM looked like!
