Saturday, August 28, 2010

DARC is done with L'Anse aux Meadows

DARC's time at L'Anse aux Meadows has come to an end. Our too short ten day contract ended, and sadly, we are heading home. More images will come as we get them collected from everyone and sorted, but here's a few more from our last day on site.

Egil is one of the permanent staff at LAM, found here cooking over the open fire. He is a fun fellow and quite the musician and storyteller.

These folks descended on Ragnarr to trade with him. From Ragnarr, going left, we have Thora, Astrid, Emundr, Emma and Katla. Thora is also part of the permanent staff - the others are various associated children. Ragnarr says the kids really got the better of him in that deal.

Thorgrimr and Egil discuss the merits of a trade they have in mind. Thorgrimr is eyeing a whale rib that Egil has and Egil is eager to have Thorgrimr's bow harp.

Thorgrimr is a master carver, and Egil an extremely talented musician.

It seems the bargain is struck and both men are happy with the deal.

And finally, some simple domestics - Audr made a bag of netting and some wool is being washed in the nearby stream.

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