Sunday, February 26, 2017

Glassworking at Ă…hus (Callmer & Henderson)

Glassworking at Åhus, S.Sweden (eighth century AD)
Johan Callmer and Julian Henderson

This article poses some very interesting questions about glass working in terms of skill levels, number of workers and so on.  Although the authors draw some conclusions at the end due to the scarcity of materials I don't think their answers to many of these questions are well supported by the Ahus finds, even though I agree with them in the larger context of Viking Era bead making evidence.

It also adds to the base of knowledge on bead working furnaces by telling us "Two severely damaged ovens were found as well as numerous pieces of completely destroyed ones" (p. 143). Over 71,000 pieces of glass working material were found on site. A solid discussion of the glass material finds is included in the article, including a typology for glass materials. Types of beads, decorations styles, colours are also covered as one would expect from Callmer.

On a social level the authors consider the working staff to have been at least 4 workers.  Two assigned to working with the glass, drawing rods, making reticella, and so on; and two devoted to tending to the furnace itself.

The article also presents preliminary chemical analysis of various glass material allowing at least some of the material to be linked to Roman mosaic sources.

 Link to article

Thursday, February 23, 2017


It occurred to me that it is worth talking a bit about podcasts.  I've been listening to a few lately and I would be interested in hearing about your favorites.


If you aren't already a fan... go there now, download an episode and put it on in the background while you finish reading this blog.  Go on. 

Sagathing is two medieval history profs out of the US (John and Andy).  They are working their way through the family sagas.  Episodes run 60 to 90 minutes.  Usually 1-2 episodes per saga although they are headed into episode 10 about Njal's Saga.  Each saga is summarized and discussed, then judged on a number of criteria including 'best bloodshed' and 'best nickname'.  The interaction between the two podcasters is quite enjoyable.  While I'm sure they have a plan for a given episode I doubt there is a script.  The conversation really makes this a very enjoyable podcast although I miss the ability to talk back to them.  I look forward to each new episode.

Viking Age

I've just started this one. I'm up to episode 10 so although I have heard enough to comment it is certainly possible that as I work through episodes 11-27 that the podcast may change.  This is one host and it very much comes across as a recorded, scripted lecture.  It makes it easy to drift off while he is talking.  The content is reasonable enough and I expect to learn some things as we move forward.  The podcast begins with the settlement of Scandinavia back before 10000 BCE.  The first half dozen episodes (a half hour each give or take) move through the various timeperiods up to an including the iron age.  Episode 7 gets into the viking era.  Worth a listen so far but not at all like Sagathing.

Archaeology Podcast Network

The Archaeology Podcast Network hosts 17 archaeology focused podcasts.  I have listened to one of them so far.  If you have listened to others I'd love to hear your opinion of them.


This podcast has a small team consisting of two Chris' who bring in various guests to talk about specific topics.  Recent podcasts have included drones, VR, and 3D printing.  Episodes run around an hour and the conversation tends to be fun and interactive.

Naked Archaeology

I also listened to a few episodes of this now defunct series of half hour podcasts.  Some fun topics in there, it makes me sad they didn't keep going.

Indiana Jones: Myth, Reality, and 21st Century Archaeology

Like Viking Age this is a single speaker but all of the episodes I have heard have been him interviewing different people.  He isn't the best interviewer I've heard and the interactions come of very stilted.  I have been cherry-picking episodes as I find ones where the topic grabs my interest.  Very focussed on the US archaeology industry.

Alright - your turn. What archaeology or Viking Era podcasts do you listen to and what do you think of them?

Friday, February 17, 2017

An Archaeological Fashion Show (Holtorf)

AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL FASHION SHOW: How Archaeologists Dress and How they are Portrayed in the Media. Cornelius Holtorf  in Archaeology and the Media, Left Coast Press, 2007

I have always been aware of the difference between dirty boots archaeologists and suit and tie archaeologists.  It amused me to no end to find an academic writing on the topic and better yet it refers to other papers on the same topic.

The article is well written with a great sense of humour. The photographs offered so that you can see the three main dress styles used by archaeologists alone are worth a smile.  The article contains quotes from online discussions between different archaeologists, references to Time Team, survey results, and a discussion of why the topic matters at all.  Quick hint - even the vikings knew people judge you by what you wear.

It doesn't add a great deal to the deep discussion of archaeologists fashion sensibility but on the plus side the descriptions of the different styles of Indiana Jones Fedora are invaluable in helping to understand when a particular style is de-rigeur. link